StartMy.Portal: a management tool for in-service staff training
StartMy.Portal is a platform that allows financial companies to create training courses for their employees in order to help them grow and increase their productivity, improve the brand image, and boost the bottom line.
It consists of different online simulators, evaluators, educational materials, questionnaires, which are managed by managers or mentors.

Vue.js, Python, Django, PostgreSQL
18 months
Project challenges

We had to create a complex educational platform that would include all ranges of tasks, yet would be easy to navigate through both for managers and students.
Elements of StartMy.Portal needed to have unique designs and at the same time be in sync with each other.
We had to establish processes between StartMy.Portal and other projects and simulators like Bank Manager and Evaluator, so users could switch between them in a split second.
We wanted to give managers a possibility to check students’ tasks in real-time mode.
Admin panel design had to be user-friendly, so it would be easy for managers to upload current information, change tasks, charts, documents, questionnaires.

Enkonix decided to implement the microservice architecture, so all the components could work independently. Thanks to this technology it was easier to build and maintain all the modules, to improve productivity, flexibility, scalability, and speed.
Thanks to the comprehensible admin panel each part of the program is controlled by managers, who are able to adjust and to change content, tasks.
They may invite participants, hold online sessions, check results/answers in real-time mode due to the WebSocket technology.
Students have access to the program and all the materials prepared by the manager at any time and place. They can watch videos, read documents, pass simulator sessions individually, or in teams with their colleagues.
Besides, the company can create open programs with free access to all those wishing to check personal skills. This allows to check employees' knowledge and gain additional skills. Their results may be used for the search and recruitment of better specialists.
By receiving access to the portal manager has a personal account that gives him/her access to already existing programs, materials, simulators, online lectures, documents.
At the same time manager may create separate programs and educational materials, invite other students, check statistics on sessions passing on separate simulators or documents.